PBIS Assembly
King Elementary kicked off the school year with a school-wide PBIS assembly. PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral and Intervention Supports; a framework for creating proactive and positive school-wide expectations. During the first two days of school, teacher reviewed the school-wide expectations for students to follow. Friday afternoon, students came together to hear about a new and exciting behavior management program called LiveSchool.
LiveSchool is a computer and iPad based program that will take the school-wide expectations and monitor how every student maintains those expectations. At the end of each week, students will get a “pay check” with one dollar earned for every positive expectation followed throughout the week. That “pay check” can be spent on items in the classroom such as; free time on the computer, no homework passes, work with a friend and others. Look for more information on LiveSchool coming home in your child’s King Folder soon.