DMPS Free Summer Meal Program Underway

The Des Moines Public School district is once again sponsoring a Summer Food Service Program, with many sites providing free meals to all children 18 years of age or younger. There are a total of 29 meal sites throughout the community that will provide lunch; 21 of those sites will also provide breakfast.

The school district has been sponsoring a summer meal program for more than 30 years. Funding for the program is provided through the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Last summer, the school district served more than 1,000 lunches per day.

Meals will be available on most weekdays except Friday, July 4, 2014.

Check each site listed in the link below for their summer schedule. The times printed below are approximate.  Participation factors may result in some sites closing earlier than anticipated.  Check with the site nearest you for details or call the Food & Nutrition Management Office at 242-7636.


King Elementary will be serving meals from June 9th through July 18th.  Breakfast will be served at 7:50am and lunch will be served at 11:00am.

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