Green Eggs
During Read Across America, students at King Elementary were served GREEN eggs with their lunch. The eggs were mixed with spinach. All students also received a free book to take home. See more pictures on Flickr!
During Read Across America, students at King Elementary were served GREEN eggs with their lunch. The eggs were mixed with spinach. All students also received a free book to take home. See more pictures on Flickr!
Beginning in August, all schools at DMPS will have new hours. The new hours at our school will be 7:30 AM to 2:25 PM. The change is being made to better serve the educational needs of students, based on research into the sleep patterns of children and teenagers. Click the headline for more information.
We celebrated our students with perfect attendance during the second quarter. We also had seven students with perfect attendance for the entire first semester. See more pictures on Flickr!
December 20th K-2 at 12:20 3-5 at 1:05
On Wednesday, December 5th, kindergarten students held a concert for the Foster Grandparents Program.
King families and students participated in Academic Night on November 20th. Families were able to learn academic games and participated in science experiments and exploration! See more pictures on Flickr!
On November 1st, we celebrated 52 students who had perfect attendance for the first quarter of the school year. These students were here every minute of every day!! Click here to see more pictures!
On November 16th at 2:30 PM a test message will be sent out five ways: telephone, text message, email, the Infinite Campus mobile app and/or the Infinite Campus parent portal. The safety, security and well-being of our students …
NED and his friend Haley came to King Elementary on Wednesday, October 11th. See more pictures on Flickr!
No more pulling crumpled paper flyers from your student’s backpack! Opportunities in the community will now be available online, instead of jumbled up with homework and artwork. Read about child-friendly community events and opportunities, or post a flyer of your own. Click on the headline to read more about Virtual Backpack.